From KARMABrooklyn

When buying a Christmas tree, give an area school a financial boost. Purchase a tree from Park Slope resident Tom Foley at his tree stand in Park Slope or online. Tell Tom which school you want him to donate to, and he'll give $10 of the purchase price to that school's PTA.

running tally will be kept on Tom's website of the amount that he'll donate to each school. Last year, he donated $13,000 to the schools.

The participating schools are

    Pre-K 280,
    P.S. 10,
    P.S. 39,
    P.S. 107,
    P.S. 118,
    P.S. 124,
    P.S. 130,
    P.S. 133,
    P.S. 154,
    P.S. 295,
    P.S. 321,
    P.S. 372,
    M.S. 51,
    M.S. 88,
    M.S. 443,
    M.S. 447,
    Brooklyn Prospect Charter School,
    Brooklyn Urban Garden School, 
    Millennium Brooklyn High School, and
    St. Saviour Catholic Academy. 

An extra 50% of the total amount raised will be donated if the number of trees purchased for individual schools exceeds 10% of their student body.

If the number of trees purchased for individual schools reaches 20% of the student body, the original amount raised for those schools will be doubled.

Fraser firs that are five feet tall or taller are Tom Foley's specialty. He also sells small balsam firs that are two feet to four feet, known as "Charlie Browns," and trees that are three feet to five feet.

The Fraser firs are cut just a week before Tom receives them, not months in advance.

Tom has posted care tips about the best location in your home for your tree, keeping your tree watered, and what to do with your tree after the holiday.
Trees, wreaths, pine roping (garland), and tree stands can be orderedonline here. Fraser boughs are free.

Delivery and set-up of trees is free. Take a look at the map of the delivery area.

Tom's stand is open during these hours:

  • Mondays through Thursdays, from 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

  • Fridays, from 2:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., and

  • Saturdays and Sundays, from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Foley Firs
724 8th Avenue, at the corner of 8th Street
Park Slope, Brooklyn
(718) 290-3546
foleyfirs @